Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 20- Defining Happiness n my Own Words

First of all, I want to say that I make a large distinction between happiness and joy. Happiness is based entirely on circumstances, while joy is something that we choose and that God gives us, something we can have no matter the circumstances. That being said, here is how I define happiness.

Happiness is...
Dancing to awesome worship music in church
Seeing him walk through the doors at the train station
A slice of cheesecake with chocolate involved
A huge slab of beef on the barbecue (or any other meat really)
Shooting at the range
Being in his arms, knowing I am loved
Knowing that Sunday's comin'
Watching "man" movies all day long
Going to a theatre production with good friends and knowing all the actors
Writing a perfect sonnet
Being so emotionally involved in a book that you can't stand it when it ends
Getting that phone call that lifts your spirit at just the right moment
A hug and kiss from a two year old with sticky lips and hands
Paycheck day
Being so in love with Christ and Joey. Especially knowing that Joey loves Christ as much as I do.

That and so much more ARE happiness

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