Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 17- What Inspires Me

There are many things that inspire me, each of them things that point me back to God. Stars. Babies. Big dogs. A child understanding a new concept for the first time. Life. God has put so many wonderful things in this world that inspire me. To write. To read. To pray. I must say though that I think the thing that inspires me most is knowing godly men.

I have been blessed to know more than my fair share of godly men. Many girls feel as though there are not any good guys in the world. I feel so opposite to that. God has blessed me with knowing many many godly men. Men who are wonderful. Men who pray. Men who point me back to God. They are gentlemen. They are strong. They are protective. They are wonderful. These men inspire my poetry. They inspire my fiction. They inspire me to live my life for God. They inspire me to accept nothing less in the men in my life than the absolute best.

That to me is the most inspiring thing in the world.

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