Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 23- An Activity I Find Fun

I find fun in just about everything I do. I could say: reading, writing poetry, writing prose, teaching, talking to people, singing, dancing....this list can go on and on

But I think I'm going to say that my most fun activity is doing things for and to help other people. It leaves me the happiest. It could be almost anything really. I could be giving someone a hug. Listening to their story. Sending them medicine. Cleaning. Praying. Anything I can do that makes someone else happy or helps them, then it's fun, exciting and makes me ever so happy!

I'll give you two examples: When I worked at camp, the time I was most blessed and happy (and I know this sounds weird to some people, but it's true) was when I was in the midst of my "shirt folding ministry" Each week, our boss would wash our work shirts for us, knowing we had little time for our own laundry. Each week she would bring them up the hill, and I would search for my shirts and they'd be wrinkled so I would fold them immediately to avoid this. Well, I couldn't leave other people's shirts to wrinkle so I started folding everyone's shirts and sorting them for them. Those mornings were my favorite times. As I folded shirts I would pray for the person whose shirt I was folding. It became the way I could help each staff member and pray for them specifically. People said they appreciated it and I like to think I helped them too.

Today, I sent a package in the mail that contained cookies, medicine and a different surprise. I'd been having a bad day but when I sent that package, knowing it would make the person feel better, make them happy and give them joy, my day suddenly got much better. It made ME happy.

They (that proverbial they again) always say that when you bless someone else it comes back to you in double measure. And biblically speaking, I know that it's true. But it still always amazes me. Serving others is what is the most fun for me. Have a good night dear friends.

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